Sunday, October 24, 2010


brasa gimana gitu de mau UTS..

jadwal UTS saia..


  • 251010 08.00 K-203 Statistika B
  • 251010 13.00 K-303 Filsafat B
  • 261010 08.00 K-202 Psikologi Umum A
  • 271010 08.00 K-202 Pend. Agama Islam B
  • 281010 10.10 K-203/K-206 Pend. Pancasila B
  • 021110 13.00 K-303 Bhs. Inggris
  • 031110 13.00 K-203 Psikologi Perkembangan Anak B
  • 041110 10.00 K-203/K-206 Kewarganegaraan B


hell yeah!!

thanks buat pak heri yg berbaik hati memberikan UTS take-home . .

paling g’ ga msti mikir buat ngrjain soal” skak-mattttee’~

cuma harus bkin essay spanjang 2 halaman yg menjawab pertanyaan

  1. Apakah filsafat hidupmu??
  2. Apakah filsafatmu tentang Tuhan??


baiklah.. saia blum ngrjain itu, so gudbye now pals..

see u soon . .


au revoir . .

risha ♥

Saturday, October 16, 2010



ap y..
aq masih bingung hrs gmn..
smua g smstinya jd gni..
brp kali??
hrs brp kali lg??
aq capek..
tapi aq g mw all the things getting worse..
it's already that bad..
i feel suffocated already..
ada yg hrs d slesaikan..
tapi hrs gmn lg??
aq terlalu capek untuk mikirin smua yg rasanya makin g penting  ini..


long time..
I'm not in the mood..
yesterday when I opened my room door I felt dizzy..
it's hurt a lot since after I closed my door, I collapsed..
not a big deal..
I know why was that happen..
too many thought n things to fix..
when I opened my eyes, I felt my eyes wet with tears..
as I realized what's wrong I cried more..
I want to fix it..
It's such a lame..
I passed these stupid conditions sometimes ago..
it's really not that hard..
I felt it again..
the ache on my heart..
trembling on my fingers..
get choked on my throat..
every time I face this..
it's evolve n I cried again..
I want to stop it..
I want to run from it..
but if that means I have to leave,
no, I won't do that..
I can't do that..
I don't want to..
again and again..
I'll enjoy the pain..
even if it brings me to hell..

wishfull wishes . .

Daisypath Anniversary tickers